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    Dear Friend ,

    First Read Carefully----WESHARESUCCESS--SIGN UP NOW-FREE

    "We Share Success Inc"
    It's a debt- free multi-million-$ legal company
    Offer to join and secure your economy feature

    Joining link-- www.wss.rocks/?refid=4d4c1

    Also See video,wesharesuccess> http://youtu.be/tJ3aGDsieDs

    Please Read This, It Will Change Your Mind As I Want To Help You!
    Opportunity is knocking... Don't ignore it. You have nothing to loose.
    Do you use social media and or the internet on a regular basis.... and do your friends and family too?
    Am sure you are aware that people go crazy for shares of .com companies (Facebook, twitter, Google...) and so on when the shares are offered at IPO (Initial Public Offering)
    Example, value of the shares were like US$20++ and now its at like US$70++ per share for Facebook and was like 20.00/share at IPO and now at 40.00/share for twitter.
    Only a lucky few get the chance to own the Pre IPO Shares of Companies. Pre IPO shares are usually owned (given) to the staff as monthly or part salary and to some venture capitalist at very cheap prices. The rest can only buy shares of the Company IPO. Remember Alibaba IPO...
    How would you like to own this Pre IPO Shares of "We Share Success Inc" for free...
    Yes absolutely free.
    So what we are offering to users, is an opportunity where we open the doors for preregistration from11/11/2014 to 19/02/2015. For those who preregister during this period you will receive 10 free company shares (Preferred Shares) No voting rights. Yes this looks like a small amount, but here is the kicker.... for everyone that you introduce you also receive 5 free company shares and this is counted up to 5 levels down (below) for you.
    You receive 10 shares for preregistering 10 shares
    You introduce 5 people (Level 1) you receive 5 x 5 = 25 shares
    The 5 introduce 5 people each (Level 2) you receive 5 x 5 x 5 = 125 shares
    The 25 introduce 5 people each (level 3) you receive 25 x 5 x 5 = 625 shares
    The 125 introduces 5 people each (level 4) you receive 125 x 5 x 5 = 3,125 shares
    The 625 introduces 5 people each (level 5) you receive 625 x 5 x 5 = 15,625 shares
    You Accumulated Total: 19,535 (Free) Preferred Shares
    What do you get for this shares?
    IPO (Initial Public Offer) is expected in Q4 of 2015...
    As a per-launch member... you start earning from March 2015. How much you earn will depend on the ratio of profit x the number of shares you hold + any other earnings you make from your activity on the site.
    As long as you hold on to the shares of the company you will receive profit sharing unless until you sell them which will be after IPO.
    Value of the shares; look at Facebook and twitter shares they are now being traded for USD70.00++ & USD40.00 ++ /share.
    Being realistic let’s say the the value of "We Share Success Inc." let's say is USD5.00/share.
    As you have accumulated 19,535 "We Share Success Inc." preferred shares x USD$5.00 = USD$ 97,675.00 or maybe more is what you will earn depending on the market price if you sell off immediately on IPO.
    The next kicker as mentioned earlier on 1/3/2015 a all new social media will be launched and "We Share Success Inc." will immediately start sharing profit with all per-launch members and new members can also earn $$$ base on their activity on the site...
    Love you All-

    Ashok kumar deora.( Regional  Manager)
    Mobile:+91 94171 10526.
    702,Industrial Area,Phase-1,
    Chandigarh-160002. INDIA.

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